Raphael Sirtoli Rates your Food
#177 Monday, July 15, 2019
Carl and Carrie talk to researcher Raphi Sirtoli about Nutrita, a website that rates ~4000 foods with a keto score, nutrient density score, and insulin score.
Listen Now (64 minutes)
Raphael Sirtoli
Raphael Sirtoli has an MSc in Molecular Biology and is a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at the Behavioral n’ Molecular Lab in Portugal. His understanding of metabolism, nutrition and clinical medicine is the base from which Nutrita’s knowledge derives. He loves open scientific debate, Crossfit, football, hiking and cold water immersion.Links:
- Nutrita Website
- Forum question about keto while pregnant.
- Guest Blog Post: Is It Safe to Go Low Carb During Pregnancy?
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- Episode 125: Carrie's Story
- Carrie's Recipe: Mint Chocolate Pudding!
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- Keto Cookbooks from your Keto Dudette!
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