The Big Fat Surprise
#20 Sunday, June 26, 2016
In this, the longest 2KD episode yet, Carl and Richard interview Nina Teicholz, author of "The Big Fat Surprise," an award-winning book that exposes the politics, bullying, and other malfeasance that led to the suppression of dozens of real randomized trial studies (with real humans - not mice) to determine the danger of eating saturated fat. Guess what the results of all these trials show? You guessed it. Eating saturated fat does not increase the risk of heart disease. Not only that, but eating a well-formed high-fat low-carb diet (ketogenic) is protective against heart disease, diabetes, and many other modern ailments. The Big Fat Surprise was named "Science Book of the Year" in 2014 by The Economist.
Listen Now (85 minutes)
Nina Teicholz

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