Beyond Atkins with Dr. Eric Westman
#65 Monday, May 1, 2017
Carl Franklin and Richard Morris interview Dr. Eric Westman about his work with Dr. Robert Atkins, his medical practice, his experience treating Type-2 Diabetes with a ketogenic diet, and his newly-launched HEAL program (Healthy Eating and Living), which he hopes will scale up efforts to provide much-needed information to millions of people with Diabesity.
Listen Now (53 minutes)
Dr. Eric Westman

- USDA GREAT NUTRITION DEBATE (Dr Westman presenting the first paper to support Dr Atkins)
- Comparison of low- and high-carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes management: a randomized trial.
- The "CSIRO Low-Carb Diet" book
- The New Atkins for a New You
- H.E.A.L. clinics
- Richard's Recipe: Chicken skin as a wrap!
- My Big Fat Diet
- Carl's Recipe: Chorizo Queso and Chips